Prep & Use

Remove woody stem ends (approximately 2-2.5″ from base of stem) before cooking. Asparagus can be sautéed, roasted, or steamed and lightly seasoned with salt and pepper as a delicious side dish or added to salads, pastas or quiche. Another popular alternative is to wrap it in bacon or prosciutto before roasting – perfect as a side or party appetizer!

Snap off the tough ends by bending the stalks; they will break where the end becomes woody.

Care & Handling

Choose spears that are bright green and firm. Thicker asparagus are usually more tender compared to thinner ones. Make sure stalks are not limp or dry. Always wash fresh produce before consuming.

Nutritional Highlights

  • Great source of vitamin A, C, E &K and folate
  • High in fiber
  • Low calorie
  • Packed with antioxidants and glutathione
Nutritional Information Panel

Product Information

Product Guide Field Pack Sell Sheet Field Pack Sell Sheet - Organic

Shipping from

Yuma, AZ

November – March

Salinas, CA

March – October