Prep & Use
Always wash Florentino before consuming. Also, take care to gently trim the stems before preparing.
Florentino adds color and flavor to any meal. Our favorite ways of preparing it are on the stovetop, with a bit of olive oil, fresh chopped garlic, and lemon juice. It can be added to stir-fries, roasted, even grilled!
Enjoy Florentino as a quick, healthy side for a weeknight dinner – – so fast, so easy!
Care & Handling
Pick out Florentino with creamy yellow, loose, delicate buds and bright green stems. Store in the crisper section of the refrigerator. Always wash fresh produce before consuming.
Nutritional Highlights
Nutritional Information PanelProduct Information
Product Guide Field Pack Sell Sheet
Shipping from
Yuma, AZ
mid November – early April
Salinas, CA
early April – mid November